Funding and Research Support

Funding for PhD Students

Graduate Employee (GE) awards are available to a small number of doctoral students. The awards carry a tuition waiver and a stipend of approximately $18,350 for a nine-month (9-month) academic year. Fellowships are awarded to admitted doctoral students based on the strength of academic qualifications and potential, as documented in the admissions file.

For full consideration of an award for the following fall term, all admissions materials must be received by January 15.

In general, the Department of Economics awards GE appointments to approximately six to ten (6-10) doctoral students each year.

Applicants to the doctoral program who meet the January 15 deadline will be informed of an award decision no later than May 15. However, most award decisions are made and communicated prior to April 1.

For tuition, fees, and estimated living expenses see the Office of Financial Aid’s Graduate Cost of Attendance estimates and the Office of the Registrar’s tuition and fees calculator.

Funding for Master’s Students

Unfortunately, we are unable to financially assist students in our master’s degree program. Students are encouraged to seek outside funding. See the Graduate School’s list of Graduate Employee (GE) Openings, the Office of Financial Aid, and International Student and Scholar Services for opportunities.