Honors Requirements

Students interested in producing a substantial piece of original research may elect to do a senior honors thesis in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Writing a senior honors thesis allows students to explore a research interest at more length and to produce a substantial analytic paper. While the ability to conduct research can help students in terms of employment, it is also good preparation for students considering graduate studies.

To be eligible to write an honors thesis, students should have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in WGSS. Students who satisfy the WGSS major requirements, who maintain throughout their undergraduate studies at the UO a GPA of 3.5 or above in courses in the major, and who have submitted a copy of the honors thesis approved by their committee to the department will receive a baccalaureate degree with honors in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

Thesis Criteria

A thesis must be based on a student’s original research. Typically, it is a written paper that presents research results between 30 and 50 pages, including notes and bibliographies. To be approved and awarded honors by WGSS, the thesis must meet the following criteria:

  • Identify a clear and original topic or research question.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the literature concerning that topic or research question in the field of gender studies by reviewing that body of literature and providing a substantive bibliography.
  • Analyze the topic or research question, using clearly identified methodology.
  • Use the citational style appropriate to its disciplinary focus.
  • Be mindful of the relationships among gender, race, class, ability, and national identity as these pertain to the object of study.

Honors Thesis Requirements

Students should expect to do this work over the course of a full year prior to their graduation.

Spring-Summer Quarter

Before you begin writing:

  • Identify a primary advisor who is either a faculty member in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies or an affiliate faculty member. Note: If your first reader is a WGSS affiliate, then your second reader will be the WGS 405 instructor.
  • Identify a second reader who is either a faculty member in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies or an affiliate faculty member.

Fall Quarter

  • Register for WGS 405 (1-4 variable credits).
  • Create a timeline for completing your thesis.
  • Meet with your thesis advisor to submit your timeline.
  • Complete a draft of a research proposal by the end of the quarter. The research proposal should be 5-8 pages in length and include a literature review, a short section on the methodology to be used, research questions or a thesis statement (depending on the discipline), and a bibliography. The proposal must be approved by the department head.
  • Submit your completed research proposal for approval by your thesis advisor.
  • Submit a copy of your approved research proposal to the department. Note: If an affiliate faculty member is your thesis advisor, you also must have your proposal approved by your primary advisor in WGSS.

Winter Quarter

  • Use your timeline, revising it as necessary, to conduct your research and write the thesis while working closely with your advisor.
  • Complete your research and be well into writing the thesis.
  • Sign up for WGS 403 reading credits with your thesis advisor.

Spring Quarter

  • Write, revise, and produce a final draft of the thesis according to the timeline.
  • Submit your final thesis to your WGSS advisor and/or affiliate advisor no later than week five.
  • Submit a copy of your approved final thesis to the department head.