Lecture Series

Sally Miller Gearhart Lecture Series

The Sally Miller Gearhart endowment advances lesbian history and culture, promotes dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, supports diversity, and empowers lesbian voices in higher education.

This lecture series is funded through the Sally Miller Gearhart Fund, which was created in honor of professor, author, and activist Sally Miller Gearhart to promote research and teaching in lesbian studies through a biennial lecture series and a future endowed professorship. For more information about Sally’s life and activism, visit the Sally Miller Gearhart website.

Give to the Sally Miller Gearhart Fund

"Sally!" Film Screening and Conversation with the Director

Date: Thursday, January 23, noon–2:30 p.m.
Location: Knight Library Browsing Room

Sally Gearhart, feminist, author, and activist, spearheaded some of the greatest battles for women’s and gay and lesbian rights in the 1970s and beyond. She also penned a cult classic fantasy novel—Wanderground: Stories of the Hill Women (1978)—about forming a female utopia and fought one of history’s greatest battles for gay and lesbian rights shoulder-to-shoulder with San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk. But despite this visible work Gearhart has been largely forgotten by history—not to mention erased from the Hollywood film “Milk.”UO Libraries; the department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; and the School of Journalism and Communication invite all to a viewing of “Sally!,” a documentary—described by its producers as a “comedic biography in three acts about an exceedingly serious subject”—that examines Gearhart’s life and how she inspired thousands. The film traces Gearhart's trajectory through the eyes of the exceptional women who fought for justice by her side. The filmmakers used the UO Libraries’ Sally Gearhart Papers extensively in the making of this film. Gearhart’s collection is one of several manuscript collections relating to feminist science fiction and feminist language and communication.

This event is free and open to the public on January 23, noon–2:30 p.m., in the Knight Library Browsing Room. The film will be followed by a Q&A session with director and producer Deborah Craig. Watch an excerpt from the film (password is sally) and learn more on the film’s website.

Writing Revolutions and Revelations. Why an open heart matters, and how it speaks truth to life and writing

Presenter: Carla Truillo
Date: Thursday, 05/02/2024, 4:00pm-5:30pm
Location: Papé Reception Hall at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Carla Trujillo was born to a working class family in New Mexico and grew up in Northern California. She received her B.S. degree in Human Development from UC Davis, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She is the editor of two anthologies, Living Chicana Theory (Third Woman Press), and Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About (Third Woman Press), winner of a Lambda Book Award and the Out/Write Vanguard Award. Her first novel, What Night Brings (Curbstone Press 2003), won the Miguel Marmol prize focusing on human rights. What Night Brings also won the Paterson Fiction Prize, the Latino Literary Foundation Book Award, Bronze Medal from Foreword Magazine, Honorable Mention for the Gustavus Meyers Books Award, and was a LAMBDA Book Award finalist. Her latest novel, Faith and Fat Chances (Curbstone Books/Northwestern University Press 2015), was a finalist for the PEN-Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction.  Carla has also written various articles on identity, race, gender, and higher education, worked as the Assistant Dean for Graduate Diversity at U.C. Berkeley, and lectured at Berkeley, Mills College, and S.F. State University. She has also taught fiction for the Sandra Cisneros Macondo Writers Program and the Lambda Literary Foundation’s Emerging Writers Retreat. Carla is currently at work on a new novel focusing on a Mexican woman who has to suddenly flee to the US from a vengeful cartel.

Sally Miller Gearhart – History, Herstory, and Mystery (Spring 2022)

Presenter: Deborah Craig, Documentary Filmmaker and Lecturer, San Francisco State University – Department of Public Health
Date: Monday, 4/25/22, 12pm-1:30pm
Location: Knight Library Browsing Room and YouTube live-stream

Sally Miller Gearhart was a tremendous force and a bit of a mystery. She was at the forefront of the battle for gay rights in the 1970s, but for her last several decades lived in a modest and rustic cottage in the words of Northern California, beloved in her small community but otherwise largely off the radar screen. She has been described as a “beacon” and a “lighthouse” by lesbians who came of age in the 1960s through the 80s, but if you ask young LGBTQ+ / queer folks about her, you’ll mostly likely elicit a blank look. This talk will show scenes from our documentary-in-progress about Sally Gearhart, and explore three key themes:

  • History: Like countless brilliant women, Sally is a “hidden figure” largely written out of the story. Among other things, she played a key role in the struggle for gay rights and co-founded one of the first Women Studies programs in the country at San Francisco State University. Our film hopes to highlight her key role in our history.
  • Herstory: But, by focusing too exclusively on individuals we risk perpetuating a patriarchal narrative. All of Sally’s contributions—whether activist or academic—were part of a much larger collective enterprise, driven primarily if not exclusively by women.
  • Mystery: We are all different things to different people, especially Sally! Ultimately, there are many Sallys. Our documentary will weave together this beautiful kaleidoscope of different stories and perspectives, offering a window into Sally’s humanity, complexity and mystery.

[Un]Framing Sor Juana: The “Worst Woman” in the World (Spring 2022)

Presenters: Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles – Chicana/o and Central American Studies; Alma López, Visual Artist and Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles – Chicana/o and Central American Studies
Date: Thursday, 4/28/22, 12pp-1:30pm
Location: Knight Library Browsing Room and YouTube live-stream

In this “dog and pony show” (Alicia is the Dog, Alma the Horse), the author and the artist discuss the historical figure of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the 17th-century Mexican nun/poet/scholar known the world over as “the first feminist of the Americas.” Alicia’s presentation, “[Un]Framing “La Décima Musa” explores Sor Juana’s veiled identity as both a feminist and a lesbian nun who challenged and defied the gender codes imposed on all women, regardless of class or caste, in the colonial society of New Spain. Alma’s presentation, “Sor Juana,” a series of 3’ x 4’ color digital photographs inspired by Alicia’s historical novel, Sor Juana’s Second Dream hopes to open a dialogue on Sor Juana that not only humanizes her as a body as well as a mind, but also constructs a new community of “sisters” for Sor Juana composed of Chicana feminist and Chicana lesbian writers, scholars, students, activists, and poets who embody or in-habit the nun’s identity in the 21st century to create a more inclusive sisterhood of “bad women.”

Past Lectures

Towards a Sociocultural History of Black Lesbian Sexuality and Community (April 2019)

Presenter: Mignon Moore

This work examines the development of community and identity around sexual desire for black sexual minority women in the 1950s and early 1960s. Drawing from archival materials, oral histories, in-depth interviews, and African-American periodicals, it argues that the practice of black lesbian identity is historically shaped by two areas of social life: the church, or religious ideologies and structures that organize racial communities, and the streets, or the nightlife and informal economy where public and semi-public expressions of same-sex desire take place.

It is through the intersection of race and sexuality that we learn more about how cultural experiences unify populations organized around same-sex desire. The findings encourage researchers to think more purposefully about the relationships between racial/ethnic identity and culture in the development of sexual minority communities.

Feeling Photography, Visualizing Testimony, Imagining Alterity (January 2017)

Presenter: Juana Maria Rodriguez

What does “seeing” tell us about the subjective experiences of those whose life stories we are invested in knowing? And how does the visual presence of the speaking subject of auto/biography complicate narratives of their lives? Rodríguez probes the ways forms of representation that combine biographical narrative with visual documentation transform our affective encounters with the social and sexual lives of sex workers in order to question the kinds of interpretive practices we bring to these knowledge projects. In the process, she reflects on how images and text function as complicated triggers for the attachments, identifications, desires, and traumas of our own corporeal embodiments and sexual histories.

Queer Longings in Straight Futures: Notes Towards Prehistory for Lesbian Speculations (December 2016)

Presenter: Alexis Lothian

The story of lesbian science fiction is generally assumed to begin in the 1970s, as feminist political and literary movements converged with gay liberation. For her forthcoming book Old Futures: The Queer Cultural Politics of Speculative Fiction, Dr. Lothian researched speculative narratives by women, queers, and people of color that are not often included in genre histories of science fiction, from nineteenth-century utopias to twenty-first-century digital media. This talk expands upon arguments made in the book, drawing on her research in early-twentieth-century feminist speculative fiction to examine moments of desire and connection among women. Appearing amid futuristic visions that otherwise reproduce straight and narrow understandings of gender, race, and sexuality, these fleeting nonheteronormative imaginaries complicate our understanding what it has meant, and what it could mean, to speculatively enact the possibility of lesbian worlds.

Afro-Sappho Futurisms: Drawing on the Past to Imagine us into the Future (April 2015)

Presenters: Ana-Maurine Lara, Associate Professor, William and Susan Piché Faculty Fellow, WGSS Director of Graduate Studies

Drawing on poetry and critical scholarship, Ana-Maurine Lara will lead audiences into the archives of the imagination, to consider some invisible spaces of lesbian desire, love and freedom from the past as a lexicon for imagining new collective futures.