History Guild
Formal and informal networks of associations make up any graduate history student’s experience. The less formal style of associations are often among the most useful and enjoyable, offering the opportunity to reflect on the history field, take stock of the graduate program, plan activities, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow students. Comprised of all interested history graduate students enrolled at the University of Oregon, the History Guild fulfills the role as the program’s graduate student organization. The thirty or so graduate students in the history program have found the History Guild a useful vehicle to get acquainted, stay informed, share resources, gain insight from seasoned veterans, and ensure the sometimes daunting experience of graduate study doesn’t overwhelm us. Many challenges arise in Graduate School, many of which lie outside the seminar room. The Guild is a good place to seek advice and make connections.
Typically, Guild activities are set up on a more-or-less monthly basis. The later afternoon of the first Friday in each month serves as the normal meeting time. The Guild activities vary, but include having guest speakers, planning student sponsored social activities, making shared conference arrangements, caucusing on major issues affecting us, and the like. After the meeting, many go to local establishments to socialize.
The History Guild enjoys the support of the department. When funds allow, financial support is extended to Guild activities. You will find the program’s graduate faculty and office staff friendly and responsive towards Guild activities. The “historygrad” email list facilitates our communication including posting any Guild activities. We have a graduate lounge as a meeting space, equipped with two computers, seating and appliances. Students involved in the Guild find the lounge a valuable resource for impromptu meetings. The level of activities sponsored by the Guild depends on how much time the students are willing to invest, and the rigors of graduate study are demanding. Nevertheless, the Guild fulfills a vital function of bringing history folks together.