History students learn about the variety of human experience over time and, along the way, acquire analytical and writing skills that prepare them for success in many different areas of work and study. Our graduate students become immersed in the latest scholarship and develop research projects that contribute in significant ways to an understanding of the past.

Incoming Students
Interested in studying history? Within the UO Department of History, you'll have enormous freedom to explore your interests while learning from our passionate and innovative faculty of distinguished researchers.

Current UO Students
Thinking about a history major? Our program cultivates crucial analytical and writing skills while preparing you to become a valuable global citizen and responsible consumer of news and information.

Graduate Students
Immerse yourself in significant research that contributes to an understanding of the past. Our graduate program features an outstanding faculty large enough to have a wide array of geographical and thematic specialties but small enough to allow close working relationships between faculty and graduate students.
Scholarships & Funding
Need help funding your studies? The Department of History awards multiple undergraduate scholarships and graduate-level fellowships each year.