
Want to gain a competitive edge in your future career? Internships can help you develop valuable job skills, gain practical work experience, and explore potential career paths—all while learning in a real-world environment. Many students pursuing African studies seek internships within their chosen field.

Get Help Finding Internships

The University of Oregon Career Center provides career and job search assistance, offers strategies for choosing a career, and helps connect students with local and global internship opportunities. Students participating in internships can earn up to 12 upper division credits in a 10-week term.

IE3 Global Internships

Would you like to earn internship credits toward your major while living and working abroad? The IE3 Global program provides internships at over 100 different organizations in 50 countries, where students can earn credits toward their major or university requirements. UO students in African studies can intern to gain professional experience in business, marketing, human rights, women’s empowerment, health, and more in Ghana and South Africa.

Learn More about IE3 Global

Register for Individualized Study Credits

If you are looking to get credit for an independent study—whether it be Special Readings, Field Study, Thesis Writing, Research, etc.—you must download, fill out, and email a GSL Individualized Study Contract. To complete the form, you'll need:

  • Your student information (Name, ID Number, email, etc.)
  • Personalized course title, if applicable (see form instructions for naming convention requirements)
  • Course number
  • Course CRN (consult Class Schedule)
  • Faculty supervisor signature, plus department faculty approval for non-department supervision 
    (Note: If your faculty supervisor is not able to electronically sign your form, they may email the correct address below and provide their consent to serve as your supervisor via email).
  • Outline of student/supervisor understanding of expectations

GSL Individualized Study Contract

Where to Send Your Completed Form

undergraduate students

Email completed forms to:

graduate students

Email completed forms to:

Registration Deadlines

Fall Term

  • Early registration: September 15
  • Final deadline: Friday of week 1

Winter Term

  • Early registration: December 15
  • Final deadline: Friday of week 1

Spring Term

  • Early registration: March 15
  • Final deadline: Friday of week 1

Summer Term

  • Early registration: June 15
  • Final deadline: July 15

Attend a Career Fair

Throughout the year, students can attend career, internship and summer job fairs. Stop by to discover opportunities within your areas of interest.

Upcoming Career Events