Peer Leaders

SOC 406 - Peer Leader Program

What do Peer Leaders do?

Sociology peer leaders serve as undergraduate leaders aiding the department in communication, website development, Sociology Club, and event planning. Peer leaders help craft biweekly Sociology Snippets that go out to all sociology majors, create quarterly undergraduate newsletters, plan and put on events for undergraduates, and aid in projects to support the undergraduate program. Peer leaders work in conjunction with the Sociology Club and are encouraged to be in club leadership (but not required).

What are the requirements?

Applicants must be:

  • In good academic standing, with at least a 3.0 GPA
  • A sociology major or sociology minor
  • Willing to collaborate and work well with others
  • Willing to emphasize interpersonal skills, be self-motivated, and engage in projects

Applicants make these commitments to the Peer Leader Program:

  • Attend weekly one-hour (1-hour) team meetings
  • Assist in developing and distributing a quarterly undergraduate newsletter
  • Plan and hold one event each term for students
  • Assist the Sociology Department with various tasks regarding event planning and communication
  • Present opportunities in sociology to undergraduate classes
  • Conduct a project (or projects) of your choosing each term
  • Commit to a minimum of two (2) terms (not including summer)
  • Commit to three (3) hours per week (this includes team meetings, event planning, and project work)

What are the rewards?

As a peer leader, you will have the opportunity to strengthen your problem-solving and communication skills, as well as your relationships with other sociology majors. You will strengthen your relationship with faculty and department staff and get a peek into higher-education administration. You will also gain marketable on-the-job experience in time management, organization, and leadership. 

Each term enrolled as a peer leader you will earn one credit (P/NP) in Sociology 406. 

Please note: Sociology 406 does not satisfy the 400-level sociology requirements, but does count as elective sociology credit.

Apply to be a Peer Leader here!

Applications are accepted through the end of week 7 every term.