
Register for Individualized Study Credits 

Students who are looking to get credit for an individualized study, whether it be Special Readings, Field Study, Thesis Writing, Research, etc. must complete the GSL Individualized Study Contract

This form will need to be completed with: 

  • Your student information (Name, ID Number, email, etc.) 
  • Personalized course title (UNDER 22 Characters), if applicable 
    • See form instructions for additional naming convention requirements 
  • Course number 
  • Course CRN (consult Class Schedule
  • Faculty Supervisor Signature (plus department faculty approval for non-department supervision) 
    • NOTE: If your faculty supervisor is not able to electronically sign your form, they may email the correct address (see below) and provide their consent to serve as your supervisor via email). 
  • Outline of Student/Supervisor understanding of expectations 

Attention Undergraduates: 

You must also complete the required paperwork for your specific individualized study and return it to along with your credit registration form:


GLBL 403 Thesis – review Honors Thesis page; complete and return Thesis Contract 

Overseas Intercultural Experiences: 

GLBL 406 Field Studies – review Intercultural Requirement page; complete and return Internship Contract 

Domestic Intercultural Experiences:  

GLBL 409 Practicum – review Intercultural Requirement page; complete and return Internship Contract 

A note regarding individualized study GLBL courses: Students can work with a Tykeson advisor to apply up to four credits of the following courses to their Block B or Block C: GLBL 401 “Research,” GLBL 403 “Thesis,” GLBL 405 “Reading,” GLBL 406 “Field Studies,” GLBL 409 “Practicum.”

Turn in registration requests:

undergraduate students

Email completed forms to:

graduate students

Email completed forms to:

You will only be able to register for the individualized study when everything is completed and emailed to the appropriate email account. 

Individualized Study Registration Deadlines:

Fall Term 

  • Early Registration: September 20th 
  • Final Deadline: Friday of Week 1 

Winter Term 

  • Early Registration: November 18th 
  • Final Deadline: Friday of Week 1 

Spring Term 

  • Early Registration: February 24th
  • Final Deadline: Friday of Week 1 

Summer Term 

  • Early Registration: May 5th
  • Final Deadline: July 15th