Practical Experience

All global health minor participants are required to participate in a practical experience, which can be conducted as a faculty-sponsored research project, through a study abroad program, or as an internship with a community-based organization. 

While the site may vary, the experience must be global health-related, meaning it must engage with global or local public health matters from a population-based, disease-prevention, cross-cultural, and/or health-promotion approach. The practical experience requirement is designed to strengthen classroom learning, providing an opportunity for students to develop their skills in a real-world global or local public health environment. 

The only category of health-related work that cannot count for the Global Health Practical Experience is clinical shadowing. For more information, read our FAQ.

Practical Experience Pre-Authorization Form 

a group of people standing outside a blue building in Mexico

Pre-Approved Opportunities

Find programs on campus and abroad, that are pre-approved for the Practical Experience requirement.

Read About Pre-Approved Opportunities

a closeup image of someone's gloved hands while working in a lab

Design Your Own Practical Experience

Satisfy the Practical Experience by building your own experience. Learn more about how you can satisfy this requirement with an internship, research position, experiential program in your major department.  

Read About Designing Your Own Experiences

a person sitting down reading a book


Have a question about what qualifies for the Practical Experience requirement? Head to our FAQ.

Read the FAQs