Student organizations are a great way to meet people with similar interests, create networks, and gain experience in organizing and advocacy.
Bee Friendly Committee
The UO Bee Friendly Committee is a student-led organization through the Student Sustainability Center. They meet regularly to learn about pollinators and organize events.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/UObeefriendly/
Social media: @uobeefriendly
Cascadia Action Network
C.A.N is the empowered new generation dedicated to environmental and social justice. We work to create impactful and intersectional environmental change through direct action on our campus and in our community.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/CascadiaActionNetwork/
Social media: @cascadiaactionnetwork
Email: climatechangesux@gmail.com
Coalition Against Environmental Racism
CAER is a student organization committed to bridging the gap between the struggle for social and environmental equality.
Website: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/caer/
Email: caer@uoregon.edu
Climate Justice League
The heart of climate justice is the understanding that the urgent action needed to prevent climate change must be based on community-led solutions and the well-being of local communities, Indigenous Peoples, and the global poor, as well as biodiversity and intact ecosystems.
Website: @climatejusticeleague
Social media: @climatejusticeleague
Email: climatejusticeleague@gmail.com
A Community for Minorities in STEM
CMiS focuses on fostering a supportive and inclusive community for ethnic and cultural minorities in all disciplines of science, technology and mathematics.
Website: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cmis/
Social Media: @uocmis
Envision Journalism
Student run publication with a mission to “give people the information they need to live healthy, greener lives”.
Website: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/envisionuoclone/home/
Social media: @envision_uo
Email: envisionuo@gmail.com
Greeks Go Green
Increasing the sustainability of the University of Oregon’s Fraternity and Sorority Life!
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/674230776076924
Consensus organized student journalistic endeavor. We are a radical publication that seeks to deconstruct the existing social order and facilitate its replacement with one which is ecologically sound and functions on egalitarian lines.
Website: https://studentinsurgent.org/
Social media: @uo.studentinsurgent
Email: insurgentuo@gmail.com
Just Food Student Coalition
A community for UO students interested in food justice and wish to engage, discuss, and participate in events surrounding the food system.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/JustFoodUO
Brings together undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines to focus on the planning and design of transportation systems as they relate to community quality of life and livability. We have a general bias towards active and public transportation.
Website: http://livemove.org/
Social media: @livemove_uo
Email: livemoveUO@gmail.com
Net Impact
Net Impact Undergraduate Chapter at the University of Oregon is a sustainable business organization housed in the Lundquist College of Business. We provide our members with the tools to explore the intersection of business, social responsibility, and sustainability by facilitating networking trips, seminars, and social impact projects.
Website: https://www.netimpact.org/get-involved/our-chapters
Email: uoregon.ug@netimpact.org
Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group
Student led and student funded nonprofit that works on campaigns that affect all people in Oregon. Chapter meetings are in Condon 201, every Thursday at 7pm.
Website: https://ospirgstudents.org/UO
Email: christiecc68@gmail.com
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
Dedicated to fostering the success of scientists—from college students to professionals—to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science.
Website: https://uosacnas.uoregon.edu/
Social Media: @uosacnas
Student Labor Action Project
UO chapter of network of student groups across the country that work on economic social justice issues.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/uoslap
Social Media: @uoslap
Email: uoslap@gmail.com
Students for Indigenous Rights & Environmental Justice in Bolivia
Works collaboratively with Indigenous communities in Bolivia, both in person and remotely, to support Indigenous rights, environmental justice, gender empowerment, sustainability and autonomy.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/sirejbolivia/
Email: sirejbolivia@gmail.com
Radical Organizing and Activism Resource Center
A space and resource for student led projects at the intersection of social justice and environmental activism. Located in the EMU, it is open daily, as well as holding weekly organizers meetings.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/ROAR.center/
Email: roarcenter@gmail.com
UO Student Sustainability Center
The Student Sustainability Center is a collaborative space for student-led initiatives that foster equity, environmental vitality, and economic well-being in the present and future. Through our efforts, we help students develop the skills, strategies, and networks necessary to work towards their vision of society.
Website: https://emu.uoregon.edu/sustainability
Social media: @uo_ssc
Email: uossc@uoregon.edu
Outdoor Program
The Outdoor Program's mission is to inspire learning through student-powered outdoor adventure. We facilitate local trips as well as far-reaching expeditions, and provide a wide range of gear rentals, resources, and clinics.
Website: https://outdoorprogram.uoregon.edu
The Urban Farm
The goal of the Urban Farm is to teach students how to learn about nature through working. The class is offered in spring, summer and fall terms.
Website: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/urbanfarm/
UO Student Sustainability Network
A Facebook group for collaboration between all student groups that are working to improve human equity, environmental vitality, and economic well-being on this campus and beyond. Post about upcoming events, ideas, or anything else your group needs help with!