Student Groups

Connect with Peers in the Economics Club

UO Econ Club

The UO Economics Club is a space for students, faculty, and community members with an interest in economics. Our weekly meetings feature guest speakers and other opportunities for student engagement outside of a classroom setting.

Meetings: Tuesdays at 6 pm in the Swindells Room - EMU 230 (AY 23-24)

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UO Women in Economics Club

UO Women in Economics Banner

"In a male-dominated field, the Women in Economics Club is the first opportunity I've had to directly collaborate with and support my female peers." -M.S. Economics '24

The UO Women in Economics Club (WiE) was established in 2023 to support and meet the unique needs of women and gender-diverse individuals in the male-dominated economics field. WiE strives to build community, empower, and increase participation in economics through academic and social events. The club hosts guest speakers, roundtable discussions, professional development workshops, and more. Students undergraduate through PhD are welcome. 

Meetings: Thursdays at 6pm in the UO Financial Wellness Center - GSH Room 117 (AY 23-24)

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