Funding and Research Support

Rippey Research Grant

This grant is designed to support research-related activities conducted by graduate students in the UO Geography Department. Master’s students can receive the grant one time and doctoral students are eligible to receive the grant once every two academic years for a maximum of two grants. Grants can be used for presenting research results at a conference or for research-related expenses.

Priority for funding will be given for:

  1. Presenting research at a national or international conference
  2. Essential fieldwork
  3. Equipment, supplies, and data purchases

We do not fund requests for equipment or supplies that are already available on campus (e.g. computers or common software.) Equipment that is purchased with Rippey funds is University property and remains within Geography. Funds cannot be used to pay tuition, supplies for classes, or travel that is primarily for educational purposes.

Award: Maximum $1000 in AY2023-2024.

How to Apply:

Submit application materials by email to the Director of Graduate Studies (Leigh Johnson) and to your current advisor. Proposals may be submitted at any time during the year, provided it is prior to the conference at which you plan to present. With the exception of summer term, you can expect a two-week turnaround on your applications. You may make more than one proposal for lesser amounts, as long as the total for the academic year does not exceed the maximum award amount.

Conferences: Requests for funding for conferences can be submitted at any time during the academic year. Submit the following materials via email to Leigh Johnson.

  • A short (maximum 25 words) justification. You will need to describe the conference, its importance in your professional development, as well as your role in the conference (panel, paper presentation…)
  • A short note/email of support from your advisor.

Research-related expenses: Requests for funding for research can be submitted at any time during the academic year. Submit the following materials via email to Leigh Johnson.

  • A brief (maximum 25 words) justification describing your plans and indicating how you will use the funding
  • A proposed budget (this may be rough and include per diem expenses)
  • A short note/email of support from your advisor.

Learn More

Rippey Dissertation Writing Grant

This grant is awarded to PhD students who have passed their comprehensive exam (A.B.D. status) and should graduate in one academic year.

Award: One summer support for living expenses of $5,000 in AY2023-2024.

How to Apply:

The applicant sends a short statement with a planned timeline for dissertation completion. The statement should also demonstrate the writing goals for the summer and the amount of time (in weeks) committed to research and writing.

The advisor sends a letter of support directly to the Director of Graduate Studies to endorse the timeline for the grant to be awarded and ensure that the applicant will graduate in one academic year.

Both materials are sent to the Director of Graduate Studies (Leigh Johnson) separately no later than May 1st, 2023.

Conditions of Use:

This summer support is used strategically for dissertation writing during the LAST summer prior to completing the dissertation.

Graduate students receiving this grant will not be eligible to teach over the summer, receive a tuition waiver, or ask for medical/dental coverage from the Department.


The grant is contingent on the availability of the Rippey Endowed Fund used to support graduate students in the Department. Retroactive awards will not be considered. Depending on the Fund’s ability to support these grants, the Department may need to lower the upper limit of awards in the future.

Summer Research Fellowships ($2000 each)

The Department of Geography (GEOG) is pleased to award GEOG Summer Research Fellowships for summer 2024. These fellowships will be for GEOG graduate students, and preference is given to doctoral students. Funds may be used for direct research costs such as travel or fieldwork, or to compensate for time devoted to data analysis, research, or writing. 

Eligibility and Criteria:

 Graduate students who demonstrate timely progress toward degree completion, describe a compelling research project, provide a clear plan for summer research, and show financial need will be most competitive for these Summer Research Fellowships. The fellowship cannot be held at the same time as another summer GE position or GEOG dissertation writing fellowship.

Application Deadline (tentative): May 5, 2025

Application Materials

Completed application must include the following materials: 

  • 2-page maximum (single-spaced) Proposal that includes: (1) explanation of the research project, (2) plan for summer research, (3) summary of degree progress to date, and (4) explanation and justification of financial need (please list other sources of summer funding) 
  • 2-page maximum CV 
  • Short email from your advisor that (1) attests to the probability of progress on the proposed research during Summer 2024, (2) confirms timely degree progress, and (3) describes your summer funding condition.

Application Submission:

 Submit completed applications to the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) Leigh Johnson ( Advisors should send their statements of support directly to the DGS. 

Fellowship Requirements

Each fellowship holder must submit a 1-page (single spaced) final report and a photograph or two to capture the essence of the research by October 1, 2025. The report should explain precisely how the fellowship helped advance the research during the summer, outlining specifically how proposed goals were met. Submit these reports to the DGS. Fellows will be featured on the GEOG webpage and in other publicity. 

Graduate Employment

Graduate students within the Department of Geography may be eligible for Graduate Employment positions. See the Graduate School’s list of Graduate Employee (GE) Openings.