Minor Requirements

The Asian Studies Program offers three different minor options to undergraduates seeking to supplement their coursework with focused academic exploration in Asian studies:

Declare the Minor

East Asian Studies Minor

Students who seek a minor in East Asian Studies must complete 24 credits, distributed as follows:

  • ASIA 350 What is Asia? (4 credits) – Required Course for East Asian Studies Minors. This course is an interdisciplinary seminar designed to introduce students to current theoretical debates about Asia, modernization, and area studies.
  • East Asia Regional Focus Courses (20 credits), drawn from at least two departments. See course lists.
  • Two years of study in a relevant Asian language (Japanese, Chinese, or Korean) or its equivalent level of proficiency.

Please note regarding credits and courses for the East Asian studies minor:

  • At least 12 of the 24 credits must be upper-division courses (300- or 400-level).
  • First- and second-year language courses cannot be used to satisfy requirements for the minor.
  • Courses must be passed with grades of C- or better.

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South Asian Studies Minor

Students who seek a minor in South Asian Studies must complete 24 credits in consultation with one of the South Asian Studies faculty members, distributed as follows:

  • History of South Asia (4 credits)
  • South Asian History, Religion, or Philosophy (4 credits)
  • Contemporary South Asian Issues (4 credits)
  • South Asian Media or Culture (4 credits)
  • Full or Partial South Asia Focus (8 credits)
  • Enhanced South Asia Understanding Requirement. In addition to the required coursework, students must do one of the following:
    • Demonstrate first-year proficiency in any South Asian vernacular language; or
    • Complete a ten-week term of study or internship in South Asia, under the supervision of a member of the UO South Asian Studies faculty; or
    • Complete a South Asia-related research paper, under the supervision of a member of the UO South Asian Studies faculty.

Please note regarding credits and courses for the South Asian Studies minor:

  • At least 12 of the 24 credits must be upper division courses (300- or 400-level).
  • Courses must be passed with grades of C- or better.

Connecting with South Asian Studies Faculty

  • Check out our South Asian Studies Faculty page. Click here for a list of faculty affiliated with Asian Studies and focused (in whole or in part) on South Asia.
  • Look for their open office hours. During fall, winter, and spring terms, faculty who are on appointment hold open office hours both for students in their classes but also for drop-in appointments with other students they mentor. View the faculty’s profile online to see what their office hours are for the term or to get their contact information.
  • Be polite and professional. Faculty, like all staff at the University of Oregon, have a lot on their plate and a limited amount of time to attend to it all. We’re all here because we’re excited to work with students, and the way you reach out can go a long way in helping us help you!
  • Come prepared. Come to your meeting with faculty prepared with ideas about what you would like to discuss. It’s okay if you don’t have all the details figured out and you want to talk through some things, but come to the meeting with some clarity on why you want to meet with them and what you want to talk about, so you can make the most of your time together.
  • Want to complete an individualized study (field work, practicum, internship, research paper) supervised by South Asian Studies faculty? Before meeting with a faculty, review how to register for Individualized Study Credits and email the GSL Undergraduate Coordinator team if you have questions.
  • Share this webpage with them. Faculty may or may not be familiar with the specifics of the South Asia Studies minor, so share this information with them so they have a reference point. And if they have any questions, you can always let them know they can reach out to the GSL Undergraduate Support Team at GSL Undergraduate Coordinator for more information.
  • Important reminder: Please note that the South Asian Studies faculty do not advise on South Asian Studies minor and University requirements, and connecting with a South Asian Studies faculty does not replace your need to connect with Global Connections advisors on these matters.

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Southeast Asian Studies Minor

Students who seek a minor in Southeast Asian Studies must complete 24 credits distributed as follows:

  • Southeast Asia Regional Focus Courses (20 credits)
  • Partial Focus Courses (4 credits)

Please note regarding credits and courses for the Southeast Asian Studies minor:

  • At least 12 of the 24 credits must be upper division (300- or 400-level).
  • First- and second-year language courses cannot be used to satisfy requirements for the minor.
  • Courses must be passed with grades of C- or better.

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