Declare or Change Major

Thank you for your interest in our program! Complete the steps below to declare a major or minor in Asian studies.

Declare or Change Major or Minor

Declaring a Major in Asian Studies

Step 1: Choose a regional focus. Pick a regional focus where a language you want to study is spoken, because the language requirement for the major encourages you to take two years of a language related to your chosen regional focus. Click each option to see a list of currently approved courses for each regional focus:

Step 2: Choose a thematic focus. We’ve compiled course lists for the following options:

If you have another idea for a thematic focus not listed here, prepare a list of Asian Studies-related courses also related to the theme you’re considering and take that to your next advising meeting for consideration.

Step 3: Meet with an advisor to put together a major planner. This will help you map out how you can meet major requirements.

Step 4: Fill out and submit the add major form.

Step 5: Sign up for classes and complete the degree requirements. Here are some tips to guide you on your way:

  • Take ASIA 350 as soon as makes sense for your schedule.
  • Get started early on your language courses.
  • Carefully read departmental communications regarding course offerings.
  • Make sure you enroll in upper-division courses (300- or 400-level) – 40 out of 48 credits for the Asian studies major need to be upper-division courses.
  • Review our course lists each term. <-- !!! INTRANET LINK !!! 
  • Reach out if you have questions! Connect with an advisor for your Asian studies major. Meet with an advisor once a term or at least once a year to go over any questions you have.

Declare a Minor in Asian Studies

Step 1: Review the minor options. Decide which one aligns with your academic and professional goals.

Step 2: Meet with an advisor to put together a minor planner. Your minor planner will help you map out how you can meet minor requirements.

Step 4: Fill out and submit the add minor form.

Step 5: Sign up for classes and complete the degree requirements. Here are some tips to guide you on your way:

  • Get started early on your language courses.
  • Carefully read departmental communications regarding course offerings.
  • Review our course lists each term.
  • Reach out if you have questions! Connect with an advisor for your Asian studies minor. Meet with an advisor once a term or at least once a year to go over any questions you have.