Specialization Requirements

The Asian studies 16-credit graduate specialization is open to all University of Oregon graduate students, both MA and PhD. This specialization enhances student education and future marketability in careers with NGOs, international organizations, the media, government service, education or in academia.

Students network and develop research with key faculty, resulting in mastery of:

  • Analyzing and critiquing primary and secondary sources related to Asia;
  • Developing multiple disciplinary perspectives, sources, methods and modes of analyses used in the study of Asia;
  • Identifying major themes in Asian history, particularly historical continuities and critical junctures;
  • Advanced understanding of Asia’s physical and political geography;
  • Studying major topical issues relevant to modern Asia, which may include economic development, tropical diseases, environmental change, globalization; and
  • Developing skills to critically analyze modern debates about Asia.

Apply for the Asian Studies Graduate Specialization

Specialization Requirements

Core Seminar (4 credits)

  • ASIA 611 Perspectives on Asian Studies (1 credit): Explores the diverse perspectives that define Asian Studies. Samples conflicts, controversies and areas of consensus that characterize the field.
  • ASIA 612 Theory and Methodology in Asian Studies (3 credits): Selected Asian Studies issues. Repeatable once when topic changes for a maximum of 6 credits.

Breadth Requirements (12 credits)

  • Three 4-credit courses (must engage in more than one academic discipline and more than 1 Asian country)
  • One course must be outside the student’s focal academic division (Humanities/Social Science)
  • No more than 2 of the 3 courses may be substantially focused on the same Asian country

Total: 5 courses, 16 credits

Asian Studies Core Faculty

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