Master's Requirements

Admission to the University of Oregon’s master’s degree program requires a bachelor’s degree, and it is expected that applicants have some undergraduate preparation in courses relating to Asia. Students lacking adequate Asian language or disciplinary training must take appropriate preparatory courses, for which no graduate credits are earned.

Prior to registration, the Asian Studies Graduate Committee assigns each student an advisor, who helps the student develop an individual program. During the first year, the student should request that an Asian Studies Graduate Committee be formed to provide guidance throughout the second year of study and thesis preparation. Graduate students should meet with their advisors at least once a term.

Course Requirements

Students pursuing an MA in Asian studies must complete 48 credits of graduate study, including at least 44 in Asia-related courses, and a final project. Graduate credit for language study may only be earned for work beyond the third-year level.

600-Level Courses

The Graduate School requires that at least 9 credits in courses numbered 600–699 must be taken in residence.

Graded Courses

24 of the total credits required must be earned at the University of Oregon for a letter grade. A minimum of 36 credits of course work and a minimum of 9 credits of Thesis (ASIA 503) is required. Credit for the thesis is given pass/no pass. In the final term, master's students must register for at least 3 credits, at least 1 of which must be in Thesis (ASIA 503).

Continuous Enrollment and On-Leave Status

Master's students are expected to maintain continuous enrollment for a minimum of 3 credits each term until all degree requirements have been completed, unless on-leave status has been approved.

Minimum GPA

Graduate students must maintain at least a 3.00 grade point average (GPA) in all graduate courses taken with a graded option.

Time Limit

All requirements for the master's degree must be completed within a seven-year time period.

Final Project Options

For the final project, master's students can choose from the following options.

Two Seminar Papers Option

Students choosing this option submit two Asia-related papers written for graduate seminars or colloquiums and pass an examination based on the submitted papers in their final term. The examination committee will include two members of the Asian studies faculty proposed by the student and approved by the director.

Two Paper Option Form  

Thesis Option

Students choosing this option are required to take a minimum of 9 credits of Thesis (ASIA 503) as part of the 48 credits required for the degree. Credit for the thesis is given a grade of pass/no pass at the completion of the thesis. Students form a two-member thesis committee in their second or third term. Thesis writers are expected to defend their theses in the second fall term. In the final term, master's students must register for at least 3 credits, at least 1 of which must be in Thesis (ASIA 503).

In some circumstances, and in consultation with advisors, students may petition the director to extend the defense date of their thesis or seminar paper for up to but no more than two academic terms.

Thesis Certification Form

Human Subjects Research

All graduate students using human or animal subjects in their research for a thesis, project or dissertation must obtain permission (and a protocol number) from the Office for Protection of Human Subjects before beginning data collection.

Human Subjects Application

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