Student Groups

Members of the Latin American Studies Program participate in many cultural activities and events, open to all, that complement our academic offerings.


Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (MEChA) is the official voice of Chicanx students at the University of Oregon. MEChA’s main objective is to provide a feeling of community and security, while increasing the recruitment and retention of Oregon Chicanx. MEChA works toward educating the University about issues concerning the 300,000 Raza who live in Oregon.

MEChA Blog

Muxeres UO

The Muxeres group ideology recognizes that the Latinx voice is a powerful political voice that has historically resisted the dualistic oppression of racism and sexism through education, unity, and support from community members. The main goal of Muxeres is to create a safe environment for its members to discuss issues that affect Latinx students on campus, within the Chicanx/Latinx community; and on a societal level. The group is facilitated by an elected student coordinator/Internal Director and is open to all students, as well as community members, staff and faculty.

Muxeres UO

Unidos at UO

The UO Chapter of the Hispanic Public Relations Association (Unidos at UO) provides a space for our Hispanic and Latine communities who share an interest in strategic communication to come together, network, and develop professional communication skills. You only need to have an interest in communication to join.

Unidos at UO


The Coalition for Indigenous Rights and Environmental Justice (CIREJ) is a group of students and faculty members from the University of Oregon, other US universities, and Bolivia. The group works in collaboration with Bolivian Indigenous peoples, both in person and remotely, to support Indigenous rights and environmental justice in Bolivia. 


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The UO campus is home to more than 300 student groups you can join. Look for a club that sparks your interest—or start your own!

UO Student Groups