
Want to gain a competitive edge in your future career? Internships can help you develop valuable job skills, gain practical work experience, and explore potential career paths—all while learning in a real-world environment.

Interning is a great way to further your knowledge of Latin America and use your Spanish or Portuguese language skills in a professional environment. Placements vary, but University of Oregon students have worked within the fields of journalism, pre-med, education, and international development, to name a few.

The UO Career Center provides career and job search assistance, offers strategies for choosing a career, and helps connect students with local and global internship opportunities. Students participating in internships can earn up to 12 upper-division credits in a 10-week term.

IE3 Global Internships

Would you like to earn internship credits toward your major while living and working abroad? The IE3 Global program offers internships at over 100 different organizations in 50 countries, where students can earn credits toward their major or university requirements.

Learn about IE3 Global Internships