Undergraduate Advising & Support Services
As a Global Studies student, you'll find several ways to get advising, both within the department and through the College of Arts and Sciences, on everything from fulfilling degree requirements to research, internships, graduating, and careers.

Director of Undergraduate Studies in Global Studies
David Meek, associate professor
Office hours
Advisors in Tykeson
The Advising Team in Tykeson College and Career Advising works closely with the Global Studies Advising Team to ensure students have a clear understanding of departmental requirements.
Continue to reach out to the Advising Team first for your advising needs – remote advising appointments are available via Microsoft Teams (download Microsoft Teams here).
Why Study Global Studies? What’s required to earn a degree? It's all summarized in our major map.
How do I schedule an appointment with an Advisor?
- To schedule a "drop-in" appointment M-F, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Use the chat function on this website: advising.uoregon.edu/tykeson
- Call: 541-346-9200
- To schedule an appointment, you can use the chat function on the website, or schedule directly through Navigate. From there, they will receive instructions on connecting for an appointment.
Advising for Graduating Seniors
All graduating seniors are encouraged to set up an appointment with an Advisor in Tykeson the first few weeks of your graduating term as a starting point to go over any questions you may have.
GSL Undergraduate Support Team
When needed, the Advising Team in Tykeson will refer students to the GSL Undergraduate Support Team (administrative staff and faculty within Global Studies).
To reach the GSL Undergraduate Support Team directly, please email: gsl@uoregon.edu
Global Studies Faculty Mentors
The role of the faculty mentor is central to the program. Students interested in applying to the program should contact a faculty member with whom they have a common area of interest to act as their mentor, typically one of the Global Studies Department core faculty or an outside faculty member with expertise in the student’s concentration areas.
Connecting with a Faculty Mentor
Connecting with a Faculty Mentor for your Global Studies major is an important and required part of the major application process. The role of the Faculty Mentor is to mentor, inform and guide you as a student in a professional and/or geographic interest area. Your Faculty Mentor is someone who will mentor you through the program in your academic and professional interests.
How to find a Faculty Mentor
One way to consider who might be a good Faculty Mentor for you is to think about the classes you’ve already taken in pursuit of your Global Studies major – if you developed a connection with a faculty during a class, or if you’re really looking forward to taking a particular class offered by a faculty, that faculty may be a good option for you as a Faculty Mentor.
In your search for a Faculty Mentor, also make sure you check out our department’s Faculty Directory. On that page, you can find a list of the faculty in the Global Studies Department, as well as a brief outline of their interests. Some faculty have their own websites as well which will have more information on their academic and professional pursuits that may help inform who you might reach out to about being your Faculty Mentor. If you’re interested in a particular topic or geographic focus, look for a faculty member with similar interests. Remember though: your interests don’t have to align 100% – if a faculty is interested in things a little outside of your exact interest area, that might be a good opportunity for you to broaden your horizons!
If you need help narrowing down your search, please know you can always reach out to the GSL Undergraduate Support Team for help – don’t hesitate to send us an email at gsl@uoregon.edu!
Important Reminder: Please note that the Faculty Mentor does advise on Global Studies major and University requirements and connecting with a Faculty Mentor does not replace your need to connect with Tykeson advisors on these matters.
Ways you might seek to connect with your Faculty Mentor, in addition to the major application:
- If you want to write an Honors Thesis, your Faculty Mentor may serve as your Honors Thesis Advisor.
- If you want to pursue an individualized study, your Faculty Mentor may be able to supervise your individualized study credits.
- If you need to complete an internship report for your Intercultural Experience requirement, your Faculty Mentor will be the one to review and provide confirmation to the department when you’ve completed the report in a satisfactory manner.
- Your Faculty Mentor might be someone you look to for letters of recommendation, or to serve as a reference.
Students should select a mentor who shares some similar interests. Although we strongly suggest you choose a Global Studies Department Faculty Member, your Faculty Mentor may be chosen from any UO University department so long as they are a permanent academic faculty member (e.g. not graduate students or visiting faculty members).
Tips for Connecting with Faculty Mentors
- Look for their open office hours – During Fall, Winter, and Spring terms, faculty who are on appointment hold open office hours both for students in their classes, but also for drop-in appointments with other students the mentor. View the faculty’s profile online to see what their office hours are for the term, or to get their contact information.
- Be polite and professional – Faculty, like all staff at the University of Oregon, have a lot on their plate and a limited amount of time to attend to it all. We’re all here because we’re excited to work with students, and the way you reach out can go a long way in helping us help you!
- Come prepared – Come to your meeting with faculty prepared with ideas about what you would like to discuss. It’s okay if you don’t have all the details figured out and you want to talk through some things, but come to the meeting with some clarity on why you want to meet with them and what you want to talk about, so you can make the most of your time together.
- Bring a copy of the Faculty Mentor Confirmation form with you – Both you and the faculty who agrees to serve as your Faculty Mentor will benefit from you taking a proactive lead on making sure you have all your paperwork together. The Faculty Mentor will need to review, sign, and submit the Faculty Mentor Confirmation form indicating their agreement to server as your Faculty Mentor. If you can send them the form in advance of your conversation with them, even better!
- If your Faculty Mentor is not a core Global Studies faculty, share this webpage with them – Faculty outside of the Department of Global Studies may not be familiar with what it is like to serve as a Faculty Mentor for a Global Studies student, or what the purpose of the mentorship is, so share this information with them so they have a reference point. And if they have any questions, you can always let them know they can reach out to the GSL Undergraduate Support Team at gsl@uoregon.edu for more information.
Faculty Mentor Confirmation Form
Upon choosing, meeting with, and confirming your chosen mentor, your Faculty Mentor must confirm your partnership by completing and electronically signing the Faculty Mentor Agreement Form and sending the completed form to gsl@uoregon.edu with you as their mentee on copy, indicating their confirmed status as your Faculty Mentor. Emails confirming Faculty Mentor status for mentees must come directly from the Faculty Mentor to the gsl@uoregon.edu email account.
Download the Faculty Mentor Agreement Form
Submission Instructions for Faculty Mentors:
- Once you have completed this form with your mentee, please add your electronic signature to the form, if you are able to do so.
- If you are not able to add your e-signature, you may type in your signature, or your email approval can serve as your e-signature and be attached to the file for documentation.
- The Faculty Mentor must e-mail the completed form to gsl@uoregon.edu with the mentee on copy, confirming your status as their Faculty Mentor.
- Emails confirming Faculty Mentor status must come directly from the Faculty Mentor to the gsl@uoregon.edu email account.
Having trouble connecting with a Faculty Mentor?
Please fill out this Request Support for Connecting with Faculty Mentor Form to tell us a little more about what’s going on. The GSL Undergraduate Support Team will review all submissions and respond within five (5) business days and get back to you on your questions then.
Course Lists
Click the links below for lists of courses compiled by program staff for term-by-term course offerings applicable to Global Studies. These courses can be used to fulfill requirements toward your Global Studies major, as noted. For archived course lists, please visit the CAS Student resource page.
Please consult the official Class Schedule for the most current information concerning the term’s courses as course information and offerings may have changed since the publishing of this list.