Experiential Learning

Sitting in a classroom can help you understand concepts, which is an important part of being able to work with and in the world around you. However, getting your hands dirty pulling up an ice core, hiking into a remote forest take some GPS points, or interviewing someone about their experiences with migration are powerful ways of learning the application of concepts to understand places. 

Our faculty have connections to organizations within the local community and around the world to provide students with opportunities to understand our world. We also support internships and study abroad experiences. Geography Club is a fantastic way to engage with the Geography community through things like humanitarian mapping, meeting with faculty about research opportunities, going on hikes with faculty, and more.

2 people on skis trekking though woods

Gain Real-World Experience

Geography students have the opportunity to gain credit toward their degree by participating in internships. We also help connect students to volunteer work that allows them to put their learning into practice.

Internships and Opportunities

students working on map project

Get Involved in Research

All of our faculty members collaborate with students on fieldwork, publications, and grants. Students also have the opportunity to conduct research in one of our many labs or out in the field.


students at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Showcase Your Work

Students in the Department of Geography can present their work at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, our annual showcase, or at national conferences. These opportunities cultivate valuable public speaking skills and provide interested students the opportunity to meet faculty from a variety of departments and institutions.

Publications and Creative Work


Travel and Study Around the World

The best way to learn about a place and the processes that shape it is to go there and engage with it. Many geography students find themselves naturally interested in study abroad opportunities.

Study Abroad

three students wearing face masks and walking on sidewalk

Connect with Peers in Geography

Connect with peers in the Department of Geography through the Geography Club or the student chapter of the ASPRS.

Explore Student Groups