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Faculty Bookshelf

book cover of Africa Every Day

Africa Every Day: Fun, Leisure, and Expressive Culture on the Continent

Edited by Oluwakemi M. Balogun, Lisa Gilman, Melissa Graboyes, Habib Iddrisu

Book cover of Colonial Survey and Native Landscapes of Rural South Africa, 1850-1913

Colonial Survey and Native Landscapes in Rural South Africa, 1850-1913: The Politics of Divided Space in the Cape and Transvaal

by Lindsay Braun

Book cover of Beyond Aspect

Beyond Aspect: The Expression of Discourse Functions in African Languages

Co-edited by Doris Payne

an illustrated book cover of various primary colors

Forms of Disappointment: Cuban and Angolan after the Cold War 

by Lanie Milar

a book cover photo that shows a cupboard filled with books

The Experiment Must Continue: Medical Research and Ethics in East Africa, 1940-2014 

by Melissa Graboyes

a book cover that features a dig site on flat ground with some fossils

Egalitarian Revolution in the Savanna: The Origins of a West African Political System 

by Stephen A. Dueppen 

a book cover with a yellow shape with the title on top of a photo of a cliff

Social Constellations and Settlement Practice: Cuban and Angolan after the Cold War: The Archaeology of Non-urban Complexity in Southeastern Burkina Faso

by Daphne E. Gallagher

a yellow and gray book cover with the title and author in black

Mongo Beti: La quête de la liberté

by André Djiffack 

a book cover of a person wearing traditional Senegal clothing

The State Must Be Our Master of Fire: How Peasants Craft Culturally Sustainable Development in Senegal 

by Dennis Galvan

a book cover of people in rural Mali working on a farm

The Art of Livelihood: Creating Expressive Agri-Culture in Rural Mali 

by Stephen Wooten

a book cover of white and postage stamp size portraits of beauty queens

Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation 

by Oluwakemi M. Balogun