
Upcoming forum features undergrad research on Latinx studies

JAPANESE, LATINX STUDIES, LINGUISTICS, SPANISH - The Latinx Studies Experiential Learning Program offers funding for a limited number of undergraduates to conduct research or pursue creative projects under the supervision of a faculty member. At a Feb. 13 forum, four undergrads showcased their research, which includes language revitalization, preservation and environmental justice radio reporting.

History PhD student published in TIME

HISTORY - In TIME's recently launched Made in History series, Department of History PhD student Adam Quinn writes that the US's semiconductor industry must look to the past when the country was a leader in semiconductor manufacturing. "As the Biden Administration pushes to rebuild the industry, it can learn from this history to ensure that what emerges is better for workers and the environment than the industry of the 1970s to 1990s," Quinn writes.

Liberal Arts Without Borders

GLOBAL STUDIES - What happens outside of the classroom can be just as important as what happens inside. Audrey Bruce (not pictured) is one of three CAS students featured in the CAS Connection Student Spotlight. Bruce, a global studies major and Italian minor, spent part of her summer in Lecce, Italy.

Giving Peace A Chance

GEOGRAPHY, GLOBAL STUDIES - The UO is one of the top 25 higher ed institutions in the US for producing Peace Corps volunteers. For these two CAS students, the Peace Corps is about joining a global community and using their liberal arts degree in a meaningful, life-changing way.

UO senior is named the UO’s first Rhodes Scholar since 2007

GLOBAL HEALTH - University of Oregon senior Nayantara Arora has been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship for graduate study at the University of Oxford, making her the first Duck to earn the prized award in more than 15 years. Arora is majoring in neuroscience and minoring in global health and chemistry. At Oxford, Arora plans to pursue two master’s degrees, one in modeling for global health and the other in international health and tropical medicine.