
Uncovering Hidden Figures

HISTORY - The stories of more than 140 Mexican and Mexican American workers who lived and worked not far from the University of Oregon campus went untold for nearly a century until students in a CAS history class discovered them, countering the white settler-dominant history books of the area. Led by Julie Weise, a history associate professor who focuses on the history of migrations in the Americas, students researched and wrote these local histories as part of a course series called Hidden Histories, which aims to tell the stories of underrepresented communities in Lane County.

Protecting First Foods, Navigating Two Cultures

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, NATIVE AMERICAN AND INDIGENOUS STUDIES - Meet Keyen Singer, a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Her Indian name is Wáašaša qmɨmsalí ptínits, Dancing Hummingbird Girl. Singer is Miss Indigenous UO and her major is environmental studies. Singer endeavors to embrace the interconnectedness of tradition and modernity, while committed to her cultural legacy and the sanctity of first foods.

Three Minute Thesis Competition is becoming a new CHC tradition

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - Alex Staben, a senior majoring in Spanish and environmental studies, took second place and a $500 prize. Her presentation – “Active Travel to School: Analyzing Barriers and Finding Solutions for Students of River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary in Eugene” – focused on the disparities faced by some schools in finding safe walking and biking pathways to school.

PhD student awarded prestigious fellowship

SOCIOLOGY - Jamie Yang (Wenyi), a sociology PhD student, has been recommended for the CSWS Jane Grant Award for "A Queer Quantitative Inquiry: Sexual Injustices and Social Contexts." The prestigious Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship, honoring Jane Grant—early feminist and wife of CSWS’s benefactor William Harris—is given annually to an outstanding scholar writing a dissertation on women and gender.