Research Interests

Looking for a faculty mentor or expert in Latin American Studies? Discover faculty research areas that match your interests. 

Michael Aguilera
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Inequalities and stratification, population and ecology, race and ethnicity, work economy and organizations 

Carlos Aguirre

Research interests: Utopia, history, and revolution

Erin Beck
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Latin American politics, development, gender, NGOs, microfinance, collective action 

Christopher Chavez
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Advertising, TV Commercials, Communication Theory, Persuasive Communication, Cultural Studies, Gender and Race In Media, Media and Diversity, Popular Culture, Media Studies and Globalization

Diego Cortes
Assistant Professor 

Research interests: Latin American Media, Alternative/community media, American Christianity, Indigenous People from the Andes 

Cecilia Enjuto-Rangel
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Economic, political, and ecological disasters; contemporary cinema, Latin American poetry, gender politics 

Maria Fernanda Escallón
Assistant Professor 

Research interests: Cultural heritage, race, diversity politics, ethnicity, and inequality in Latin America

Pedro García-Caro
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Nationalism, postmodernity, postcolonial studies, environmental studies, US Hispanic literatures, Mexican literature, border literature, comparative American studies, transatlantic studies, satire, drama, translation 

Spike Gildea 

Research interests: Descriptive and documentary fieldwork, historical/functional/typological syntax, and historical/functional phonology.

Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez
Assistant Professor

Research interests: Critical Philosophy of Race, Latin American and Caribbean Philosophy (Social and Political), Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, 18th and 19th century German Philosophy (esp. Hegel and Nietzsche), 20th century Continental Philosophy

Natalie Hernández Vidal
Assistant Professor

Research interests: Environmental Justice, Feminist and Indigenous STS, Social Movements, Coloniality and Decolonization 

Derrick Hindery
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Neoliberal and "post-neoliberal" models of economic "development" on communities and environment in Latin America and the U.S., sustainable community projects in Indigenous territories in Bolivia (e.g. collectives producing medicinal oils and handicrafts)

Jon Jaramillo
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Afro Latino/a Identities, Black Queer Aesthetics, Vudú in the Dominican Republic, and Afro-Dominicanidad and the Struggle Against Xenophobia in the Dominican Republic

Katie Lynch
Co-Director, Environmental Leadership Program

Research interests: Environmental anthropology, environmental education, ethnobotany

Ana-Maurine Lara
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Afro Latino/a Identities, Black Queer Aesthetics, Vudú in the Dominican Republic, and Afro-Dominicanidad and the Struggle Against Xenophobia in the Dominican Republic

Michelle McKinley

Research interests: Social anthropology, public international law, Latin American legal history and the law of slavery, sociolegal history, Indigenous advocacy, global health and human rights

Gabriela Martínez

Research interests: Telecom and media; media ownership, culture and, transnationalism; globalization; global circulation of technologies and cultural products and the economic, social, cultural, and political impact in Third World countries, especially Latin America; human rights and social movements in relation to media content production and distribution 

Cintia Martínez Velasco
Assistant Professor 

Research interests: Feminist philosophy, gender theory, decolonial philosophy, and critical theory in Latin America

Lanie Millar
Associate Professor 

Research interests: 20th-21st century Caribbean literature, Latin American literature, African literature, Lusophone literatures, global south studies, postcolonial studies, race and Blackness, critical theory

Gabriela Pérez Baéz
Associate Professor

Research interests: Indigenous languages and language revitalization

Jesus Ramos-Kittrell
Assistant Professor 

Research interests: Early modernity, cultural studies, globalization, subaltern studies

Jesús Sepúlveda
Senior Instructor 

Research interests: Poetry, Latin American and Spanish Literature, World Literature, Creative Writing, Shamanism, Avant-Garde and Post Avant-Garde Movements, Intoxicated Texts, Green Anarchy, Southern Cone, Critical Theory, Global Studies

Lynn Stephen

Research interests: Gender, race, and ethnicity; migration; Indigenous peoples; Americas; legal pluralism, social memory, testimony, gender violence 

Alejandro Vallega

Research interests: Continental philosophy (deconstruction, phenomenology, and hermeneutics), decolonial theory, Latin American thought, ancient Greek philosophy, Aesthetic Philosophy 

Jessica Vasquez-Tokos

Research interests: Family life course and society, race and ethnicity, qualitative approaches 

Julie Weise
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Identity, citizenship, migration, race, and nations in the Americas and the world through the lens of history 

Juan Eduardo Wolf
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Ethnomusicology, scholarly areas 

Kristin Yarris
Associate Professor 

Research interests: Transnational migration, immigrant rights, social movements, mental health, health equity, wellbeing and social cares