Why Peace Corps?

Since the Peace Corps’ founding in 1960, approximately 200,000 Peace Corps volunteers have been invited by 140 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to environmental preservation. Of these 200,000 volunteers, more than 1,300 have come from the University of Oregon.

The UO is ranked No. 23 on the Peace Corps’ list of all-time volunteer-producing college and universities. Interested in volunteering? Here are some reasons to be a part of the Peace Corps:

  • Currently 34% of volunteers are people of color
  • Certain public student loans may be eligible for deferment or for Public Service Loan Forgiveness while you serve in Peace Corps
  • Special graduate school opportunities are available, including scholarships designated only for returned Peace Corps volunteers
  • The benefit of a global network of other returned volunteers lasts a lifetime
  • Transition and job support are provided after Peace Corps service is completed
  • Volunteers receive full medical and dental coverage, monthly living and housing allowance while they serve
  • A “readjustment” allowance of at least $10,000 (pre-tax) is awarded to returned volunteers upon completion of service
  • Returned Peace Corps Volunteers have gone on to successful careers in all kinds of fields, from international development to business to the arts
  • Peace Corps currently partners with communities in 61 different countries