Social Sciences

I3 awards fund immune system evolution, literacy, chronic stress research

GLOBAL STUDIES - The Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) awards provide up to $50,000 to seed new interdisciplinary research. This year, three awards are funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation. Among winners are Jo Weaver (Department of Global Studies), Matthew Barber (Department of Biology and the Institute of Ecology and Evolution), Michael Harms (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and the Institute of Molecular Biology) and Melanie Spero (Department of Biology and Institute of Molecular Biology).

Latest I3 seed funding cycle supports new projects on city planning and immersive science communication, data justice

ENGLISH, ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, INDIGENOUS, RACE AND ETHNIC STUDIES, NATIVE AMERICAN AND INDIGENOUS STUDIES - “Indigenous Data Sovereignty Research Center,” will serve as a hub for transdisciplinary and collaborative research focused on transforming institutional practices and frameworks to honor tribal sovereignty through data justice.

2023 Outstanding Research Award winners announced

POLITICAL SCIENCE - The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation announces the recipients of the 2023 Outstanding Research Awards. Ronald Mitchell, a professor in the Department of Political Science, was awarded the Outstanding Career Award, the UO's highest award for faculty. Mitchell's contributions include the policy impact of his research on the effects and effectiveness of environmental treaties, as well as developing the International Environmental Agreements Database.