Congratulations to Professor Jocelyn Hollander, who is this year’s recipient of the Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching. This prestigious award honors senior career instructional or tenure track faculty, teaching for at least an average of .5 FTE across the academic year, who have achieved outstanding records as teachers. The Herman Award is presented to faculty members in at least their seventh year and have demonstrated long-standing excellence in teaching, as well as contributed significantly to student learning at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Hollander draws from research-based pedagogical strategies and has contributed to research-based guidelines for teaching about the prevention of gender-based violence. Through her own innovations and research-informed pedagogy, she is a seasoned mentor to undergraduate and graduate students alike. She is immersed in the research literature on teaching and learning and carefully introduces new teaching strategies to improve student learning. She is a successful and innovative teacher across the curriculum – from large, required undergraduate classes to small upper-division classes to graduate seminars. This award is a well-deserved recognition of Hollander's many excellent contributions to students over the years