Social Sciences

Study: Polluters sometimes game system to avoid penalties

ECONOMICS - Eric Zou, an assistant professor in the UO economics department, found that companies and in some cases government agencies will do what they can to help their communities’ air pollution levels meet federal standards, which he documented in a paper published earlier this year: “Unwatched Pollution: The Effect of Intermittent Monitoring on Air Quality.”

UO prof to study glacial fjords in Greenland as part of NSF grant

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - A UO professor will join researchers from around the globe in an effort to better understand the ice loss happening across Greenland as well as the social issues Greenlanders are facing as a result. A National Science Foundation award of $2.9 million will fund the collaborative effort in Greenland over the course of five years.

In Pursuit of Justice

Nayeon Kim believes there is benefit to society in reducing the prison terms of people of color and others victimized by excessive sentences and systemic racism. And she is dedicated to this work. Kim is finishing up her law degree at City University of New York (CUNY) in 2022, which puts her one step closer to that goal.